Web Application

Getting Started

Welcome to the Glartek Web application getting started guide. Here you will find information on the following topics: 

1. Access
2. Account & Log in 
3. Initial Configurations
4. Create a Template
5. Create a Work Order
6. Execution

1. Access

Start by access to the tenant provided by Glartek:  

2. Account and Log In

The user can choose between two different ways of logging in. These are:

  • Manual login: This login is performed by registering the email or username, and respective password
  • Log in via SSO: Centralized enterprise authentication.

Note: To take advantage of the SSO login option, the company must have enabled this option. Know how here.

After entering your credentials, the platform homepage will be displayed with your profile already created.

3. Initial Configurations

3.1. Profile Settings

You can change your account settings by accessing your user profile. There you will be able to find and edit information related to:
  • Profile
  • User information
  • Security
  • Preferences
It is recommended that you change your password the first time you log in.

Access your user profile by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner.

Go to the security section, insert your current password and create a new one.

You can also edit other information related to your profile. Find out more here

3.2. Create Asset Tree

If you are one of the first users, you may need to create an asset tree.

To do that click on “Assets” on the main menu.  

Then, click on the site with your company name to select it.
Click on the three dots icon and then choose “Add Element”

Note: An Element refers to a specific object, component, asset, or section within a specific location (or in this case, within a specific Site).

Choose a template to create the element and click “Pick Template”
Fill the name, select an image and fill in all the other necessary information. When you have filled in all the information don't forget to click "Save".

After that, the new element profile will appear under your site, where it can be consulted. When you have several elements associated with a site, you will have built your asset tree. 

Repeat this to all elements that will be involved in your procedure 

4. Create a Template

4.1. Create New Template

Go to the left main menu and select the "Templates" tab. Then, inside that category choose "Work Orders".

To create a new template you must first create a folder by clicking on the "New Folder" icon.

Then, when you enter the folder you've created just click on the "Create New" button on the top right corner.

After this, a template library will appear. Here you can choose a preset template to edit or create a new one from scratch.

To create a new template from scratch, just click on the "Blank Template" button.

4.2. Edit New Template

After creating a new template, you can edit the name, create tasks, add questions and instructions, and configure other settings of your template.

  1. Start by giving a name to the template 
  2. Create the tasks you want to include in the procedure template

   3. Add a title to each task

   4. Click on the green "+" icon to add steps with questions and instructions to your task

By default, it will create a simple text question.

Change the question type by clicking on the question type field and a dropdown menu with various question options will appear. Choose one of them by clicking on it.

Note: In case you don't need to receive any type of input from the operator and you only want to give an instruction or any form of guidance, you don't need to add a question. Instead, just choose the "Instruction" option and upload a photo, video, file, or 3D model to assist the operator in executing his task.

You can also add images and additional information to your step by clicking on the "+ Add description" button.

To know more about editing templates, click here

After building your procedure template don't forget to save it by clicking on the "Save" button.

You can then find your template in the folder where you created it, ready to be used to create a work order. You can edit it again as often as you like.

5. Create a Work Order

To create a work order, navigate to the left menu and select "Work Orders". Then click on "On-Demand".
A new window will appear where the work order folders are displayed. 

Select the folder in which you want to create the work order or create a new folder by clicking on the "New folder" button in the top right corner.

Once inside the folder, select the “Create” option, to create a new work order.

A new window will appear where you can define the settings of your new work order. Here you can define work order information, such as:

  • Title of the work order
  • Template that will be used
  • Assigned workers and teams
  • Site where it will be conducted
  • Labels for better organization
After completing all the required inputs in the settings step, select “Next” to advance to the second configuration step, where you going to be able to see a preview of all the tasks that are included in the work order.
If needed, you can customise each task individually. To know more click here.
When you have finished configuring the work order click on the "Save" button in the bottom right corner and the are saved and the issue is created.

6. Execution

The execution of the procedure is the moment in which the worker is ready to perform a task assigned to him. To access the digitized procedure guides and workflows the worker will have to enter the platform through their device (PC, Smartphone, Tablet, Smartglasses, Augmented Reality glasses, or stationary screens).

You can check more information about supported devices and feature compatibility here.

Once saved, the work order will appear in the folder where you created it. To start it, simply hover your mouse over it and click "Start"

A new window will appear. Click on "Create New" to create a new procedure and then click "Yes" to confirm.

You will then be automatically redirected to the execution of the work order.

Click "Start" to initiate the execution.

Start following the instructions and answering the questions by filling in the required fields. 

In each step of the task, you can also: 

  • Add Notes: Add notes to provide more relevant information.
  • Add Files: Upload images, videos, and files to provide evidence.
  • Create Actions: Open actions to flag issues.

Once you have completed all the task steps, click on “Finish” to close the current task.

To move on to the next task, you can choose between two options:

  • Click on the right arrow at the bottom of the page to move forward.
  • Click directly on the following task in the task board. 

When you have completed all the tasks, click on "Finish" at the top of the page to finalize the work order.

To learn how to execute a work order on a mobile device using the mobile application, click here

If you have any question please contact technical support.

Still need help? Message Us